Get Started

Speech Engine Setup

  • Navigate to Settings -> Speech Engines

Here you will be able to add any of the Engines that supports, as well as a list of Available Voices for engines that have been added.

To Enable an engine, click the button Add, and pick the desired engine type from the dropdown


  • No account required

Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) is the native API for Windows.

Google Cloud

  • Paid API
  • Free Trial

Google Cloud TTS is a paid cloud text to speech platform by Google.

  1. Enable the Cloud Text-to-Speech API in your Google Cloud Console
  2. Navigate to your API Credentials page.
  3. Click the Create Credentials button, then select Service Account.
  4. Enter any name you want, such as speakerbot-tts, then click Create & Continue
    • When prompted to grant additional roles, skip this step by clicking Continue again.
    • When prompted to grant additional users access, skip this step by clicking Done
  5. You should now be on the Service Accounts page within Google Cloud Console.
    • Click the Actions dropdown for the service account you just created
    • Select Manage Keys
  6. Click Add Key and select Create New Key
  7. In the modal dialog, select JSON and click Create
    • The JSON file should be automatically downloaded by your web browser
    • Save this file in a safe location, for to access
  8. In Google Cloud settings, browse and select the JSON file you just saved.


  • Paid API

Azure TTS is a paid cloud text to speech platform by Microsoft.

Amazon Polly

  • Paid API

Amazon Polly is a paid cloud text to speech platform by Amazon Web Services.


  • Paid API

Watson TTS is a paid cloud text to speech platform by IBM.


  • Paid API

UberDuck is a paid cloud text to speech platform with AI voiceover support.

TTS Monster

  • Paid API
  • Free Tier

TTS Monster is a paid, AI based, text to speech platform for streamers.

When adding TTS Monster, copy your overlay url into the configuration window, the necessary information will be parsed from this.


  • Paid API

Acapela Cloud is a paid cloud text to speech platform by Acapela Group.


  • Paid API

CereVoice Cloud is a paid cloud text to speech platform by CereProc.

  • Paid API is mainly a paid cloud based AI text to speech platform.

  1. Create an account at
  2. Click your profile icon, top right
  3. Click Profile
  4. Copy your API Key to use in

A free account allows for upto 10,000 characters per month.